PROVIDENCE, RI – On April 27, 2017, the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission unanimously approved the Energy Efficiency and Resource Management Council’s (EERMC) 2018-2020 Energy Savings Targets for Rhode Island in order to help save consumers money on their utility bills and boost Rhode Island’s economy. The 2018-2020 Energy Savings Targets for electricity and natural gas were developed collaboratively by key stakeholders representing a wide range of consumer interests, including the Division of Public Utilities and Carriers, the Office of Energy Resources, the EERMC, National Grid, Acadia Center, and People’s Power and Light.

Saving electricity and natural gas through energy efficiency reduces consumers’ energy bills, lowers the cost of doing business in the state, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. The 2018-2020 Energy Savings Targets are designed to save over 580,000 megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity and 1.2 million MMBTu of natural gas, an amount equivalent to the energy use of over 43,000 homes for one year. The electric savings targets peak in 2018 and decline slightly in the following years and the natural gas savings follow a modest increase over the same three years.

Rhode Island is a national leader in energy efficiency, earning top scores from the American Council on an Energy Efficient Economy year after year. In 2016, Rhode Island earned a perfect score for the state’s cost-effective energy efficiency policies and programs for the third year in a row by achieving annual electricity savings of close to 3% of retail sales. Despite facing among the most ambitious energy savings targets in the nation, National Grid has met or exceeded Rhode Island’s energy savings targets every year since 2013.

“Rhode Island is poised to continue its success thanks to strong and mature energy efficiency policies and programs that encourage energy efficiency and make it easier for residents and businesses to make smart energy decisions, including rebates, financing options, and technical assistance,” said Acadia Center Rhode Island Director Abigail Anthony. Dr. Anthony represents environmental interests on the state’s Energy Efficiency and Resource Management Council (EERMC), which provides independent input and oversight to National Grid’s electric and natural gas efficiency programs.

The 2018-2020 Energy Savings Targets are based on a quantitative analysis and evaluation of the opportunity for cost-effective energy savings in Rhode Islanders’ homes and businesses. This means that the financial benefits of the energy saved must be greater than the costs of saving it. The analysis considers the potential for existing and new technologies, innovations, and strategies to reduce energy use. National Grid will file a Three-Year Plan to achieve the newly approved energy savings targets with the Public Utilities Commission on September 1, 2017, and subsequently will file detailed annual energy efficiency plans and budgets each November for the Commission’s review and consideration.

Media Contacts:

Abigail Anthony, Director, Rhode Island Office

Krysia Wazny, Communications Director
617-742-0054 x107,