Celebrating Milestones
Expertise that Educates, Informs, and Promotes Change
2023 Educational Accomplishments
More Educational Accomplishments
- Panelist at Isles Forum – Building Electrification: Next Steps for Healthy Homes and Cleaner Climate
- Attended FERC New England Winter Gas-Electric Forum
- Presented on SB 7 and Performance-Based Regulation proceeding to the nation-wide Utility Business Innovation Network
- Panelist at the Northeast Climate and Energy Funders Meeting on bringing RGGI into the Modern Era
- Participated in webinar hosted by Litz Energy Strategies on RGGI market mechanisms (ECR/CCR)
- Presented in University of Rhode Island’s Energy Lecture Series on energy efficiency recommendations based on our participation in Rhode Island Energy’s Energy Efficiency Technical Working Group and Energy Efficiency Equity Working Group
- Panelist on Hydropower and Sustainability at Climate Week NYC
- Presented at Building Decarbonization Coalition’s National Policy Call: Massachusetts on the status of the Clean Heat Standard development in Massachusetts and design elements of the regulation
- Presented to the New England Municipal Sustainability Network (NEMS) regarding ISO New England and NEPOOL
- Keynote speaker on Latine and Puerto Rican Voices for Climate Action hosted by Save the Sound
- Moderated panel at the Connecticut Public Health Association Conference on Environmental Justice
- Panelist at Docket No. 22-01-NG Investigation into the Future of the Regulated Gas Distribution Business Technical Conference
- Making the power grid work for climate and people, detailed recommendation to FERC to reform outdated electric grid.
Spurring Governmental Progress
Legislative Accomplishments in 2023
More Legislative Accomplishments
- Successfully stopped legislation that would have placed a year-long moratorium on all renewable energy projects permitting in Maine–Successfully advanced a comprehensive stakeholder board to overhaul the grid
- Successfully opposed legislation that would have eliminated Net Energy Billing in Maine
- Successfully lobbied for the passage of a compromise bill on Net Energy Billing
- Successfully lobbied for the passage of Offshore Wind Bill, authorizing procurement of 3000 MW
- Lobbied for support for renewable energy transmission line from Northern Maine South
- Successfully lobbied for a bill supporting 21st century electric grid
- Informed plans for PURA proceedings for 2024 around performance mechanisms, included report metrics, scorecards, and PIMs
- Met with Secretary Tepper, getting him to commit regular future meetings between her administration and the TCE table
- Inspired Rhode Island state administrators to explore a vehicle census with the DMV
- Met with the Secretary of DEP in Massachusetts to discuss a Clean Heat Standard and setting up technical sessions based on Acadia Center recommendations
- Advanced the creation of Massachusetts’ Green Bank for affordable housing
- Participated in technical meetings on Massachusetts’ grid modernization proceedings, pushing for the consideration of performance metrics and cautioning against poorly designed performance incentives
- Pushed for the creation of Massachusetts’ Green Bank for affordable housing
- Participated in technical meetings on Massachusetts’ grid modernization proceedings, pushing for the consideration of performance metrics and cautioning against poorly designed performance incentives
Coalition Work and Outreach
Collaborative Accomplishments in 2023
More Collaborative Accomplishments
- Signed onto the Advanced Clean Cars letter in Massachusetts
- Signed onto the Joint Letter Recommending Transportation Revenue Solutions in Massachusetts
- Gave a briefing to reporters on ISO-NE and winter reliability issues
- Contributed to comment letter with coalition partners on a proposed clean heat standard in Massachusetts
- Drafted sign-on letter about the termination of the offshore wind contracts in Massachusetts
- Got an Equity Working Group added to the Grid Modernization Advisory Council in Massachusetts
- Participated in the Drive Electric Event on Sunday in Portland
- Had Acadia Center’s recommendations to the utilities for their electric scooter modernization plans accepted by the Grid Modernization Advisory Council
- Submitted a comment letter on behalf of the RGGI advocates for the Third Program Review
- Held educational briefings on RESPECT with Massachusetts Senator Creem
- Held an introductory meeting with the new Massachusetts DPU Chair Jamie Van Nostrand
- Reconvened coalition of transportation climate advocates in response to RIDOT’s Carbon Reduction Strategy
- Provided various introductions and ideas for outreach and engagement to sub-contractor, ENCOLOR, for the launch of Rhode Island’s heat pump program
- Facilitated conversations between economic advocates of rate reform and environmental advocates of electrification in Rhode Island
- Encouraged and supported the participation of other stakeholders in Rhode Island’s Energy’s energy efficiency and system reliability procurement working groups
Press Coverage
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