Howard Gray
Howard Gray has worked for more than 30 years on the research, development, marketing and delivery of a wide array of consumer financial products and services in both the United States and international markets. As Director of International Consumer Market Development at Chase Manhattan Bank, he managed a group of professionals who: assessed and recommended consumer banking acquisition opportunities in Europe, Asia and Latin America; developed and implemented worldwide marketing strategies for existing and de novo consumer banking businesses; and developed and introduced a broad array of consumer products and services into the international marketplace. As Superintendent for Financial Institutions for the State of Maine, he supervised a group of professionals and support staff who–for state-chartered banks, savings & loan associations, special purpose institutions and credit unions–conducted on-site financial and legal examinations in the areas of safety and soundness, state and federal compliance law, trust services, information technology and holding company activities. Howard has a BA from Harvard University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. He has served as the Commissioner of the Maine Municipal Bond Bank, Commissioner of the Maine Health and Higher Education Facility, and as a Trustee of the Lands Reserve Trust, the Baxter State Park Trust and other Maine land trusts. He resides in Portland, Maine.
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