Acadia Center Comments on Connecticut PURA Docket No. 17-12-03RE07 on Non-Wires Alternatives
Acadia Center submitted written comments in response to Docket No. 17-12-03RE07 (“PURA Investigation into Distribution System Planning of the Electric Distribution Companies – Non-Wires Alternatives”). This docket is one of 11 proceedings that PURA has initiated on grid modernization. Acadia Center urges PURA to use non-wires alternatives (including energy efficiency, demand response, storage, dynamic pricing, solar PV, microgrids, and other distributed energy resources) to delay or defer traditional transmission and distribution infrastructure investments. By pursuing NWA, PURA can help lower customer and utility costs, lower emissions, and to help facilitate the deployment of clean energy resources in Connecticut. Acadia Center will continue to stay engaged as Connecticut develops plans to modernize its grid in anticipation of meeting its climate targets.
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