Acadia Center Explains: The Need for an Independent Transmission Monitor (ITM)
In coming years, hundreds of millions of consumer dollars will be called upon to upgrade transmission lines in the New England electricity grid. These costs come at a time where increased buildout of the power grid is crucial to meet reliability, climate, and clean energy goals and create a modern electricity system for the future. An Independent Transmission Monitor (ITM) is an effective and common-sense proposal to provide enhanced public oversight and review of proposed grid projects that can individually cost hundreds of millions and, in the aggregate, billions of dollars. Independent oversight by an ITM would ensure these investments are scoped to maximize public benefit and affordability and would fill a critical gap in oversight and accountability that exists today. This Explainer and accompanying blog offers Acadia Center’s overview of the underlying issues, the value proposition of establishing an ITM in the New England region, and next steps to garner public support to make it happen.
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