In “Maine Won’t Wait: A Four-Year Climate Action Plan for Maine,” the Maine Climate Council Scientific and Technical Subcommittee developed sea-level rise projections for Maine’s coastal areas. Based on those projections, the Council recommended Strategy F3, “the state commit to manage for 1.5 feet of relative sea-level rise by 2050, and 3.9 feet by 2100…[and] the state prepare to manage for 3 feet of relative sea-level rise by 2050 and 8.8 feet by 2100.” LD 1572 sets Strategy F3 into motion by requiring a consortium of State agencies to review their laws and rules and submit recommendations to incorporate consideration of 1.5 feet of relative sea level rise by 2050 and 3.9 feet by 2100 to help minimize project impacts of sea level rise on coastal communities and help Maine communities manage climate impacts and enhance resilience premised on science-based land-use planning tools.
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