Technical Summary of Proposals Regarding Net Metering in New York
This document summarizes the proposals and key concepts for valuing distributed energy resources (DER) submitted by twenty-five parties and groups of parties in Case 15-E-0751, initiated by the New York Public Service Commission (NY PSC). In April 2014, the NY PSC announced the beginning of a set of ambitious regulatory proceedings called Reforming the Energy Vision (“REV”) to comprehensively examine the State’s energy policies and regulatory frameworks. Six policy objectives were set for this proceeding: enhanced customer knowledge and tools that will support effective management of their total energy bill; market animation and leverage of ratepayer contributions; system wide efficiency; fuel and resource diversity; system reliability and resiliency; and reduction of carbon emissions. Case 15-E-0751 was initiated to develop an “interim methodology” for valuing DER through electricity rates as well as a longer term process for establishing a full value of DER.