Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Performance To-Date and the Path Ahead

During five plus years of operations, RGGI has helped Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States achieve significant reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other dangerous pollutants from the electric power sector. At the same time the program has generated significant economic benefits in the region.

RI EERMC Annual Report 2014

Energy Efficiency and Resource Management Council April 2014 Annual Report to the General Assembly, for the Council’s seventh year of operation. As required by R.I.G.L. § 42-140.1-5, this Annual Report includes a summary of the “activities of the Council, its assessment of energy issues, the status of system reliability, energy efficiency and conservation procurement and its recommendations regarding any improvements which might be necessary or desirable.”


Envisioning a clear pathway towards meeting long term greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets of 80% by 2050 has been a difficult and elusive task.  Yet, an exciting convergence of technology advances and success in reducing carbon emissions from electricity generation points towards viable solutions that can be implemented now to be on the right path.  It may seem counterintuitive, but the key is to rely more on decarbonized electricity to power transportation and buildings. Consider this hypothetical: if all gasoline powered cars on the road and all buildings heating with fossil fuels immediately switched to modern electric technologies like electric vehicles and high efficiency cold weather heat pumps, GHG emissions from these sources in the Northeast would be cut in half.  With further efforts to transition electricity generation to renewable resources, emissions would continue to fall.  Dramatic changes to our power grid, more decentralized and community energy approaches and redoubled efforts to maximize energy efficiency are needed to make this vision real.

Forecasting Distributed Generation Resources in New England

The key findings of this study include the following:

  • The ISO forecasts that approximately 800 MW of solar PV will be installed in New England by 2021. It has not yet presented any estimates of other types of DG.
  • Research shows that significantly more DG resources—mostly solar PV—are likely to be installed by 2021. Several states have already installed more DG than the ISO estimates will be installed by 2021, and the remaining states are planning to install significantly more DG than the ISO is predicting by 2021.

Prepared by Synapse for the E4 Group: ENE [now Acadia Center], Conservation Law  Foundation, GridSolar LLC, Industrial Energy Consumer Group, Maine Public Advocate, Natural Resources Council of Maine

Economic Benefits of RGGI

Greenhouse gas emissions from power plants in the region have dropped significantly since RGGI was formed. Meanwhile, revenue from auctions of allowances (permits to emit CO2) has been invested in energy efficiency and other consumer programs that reduce energy costs while increasing economic output and employment. RGGI-funded energy efficiency programs reduce expenditures for fossil fuels imported to generate power, thus making states more competitive while reducing carbon emissions.

RGGI Auction Tracker

The first part of this document provides background on RGGI through the latest allowance auction, including descriptions of common allowance allocations.
The second part of the document (beginning on page 3) provides detailed analysis of allocations and auction proceeds distribution plans for each state

Residential Energy Efficiency Financing

Commissioned by Acadia Center* and Connecticut Fund for the Environment. Authored by Energy Futures Group.

*formerly ENE (Environment Northeast)

Collaboration that Counts: The Role of State Energy Efficiency Stakeholder Councils

Energy Efficiency Engine of Economic Growth for Eastern Canada

This report identifies the significant, economy-wide benefits of large-scale investment in energy efficiency. The results clearly illustrate that investing in efficiency is one of the most effective means of delivering jobs and economic growth widely – across sectors and regions – while savings consumers money and reducing emissions

Best Practices for Advancing State Energy Efficiency Programs Policy Options & Suggestions

This paper examines the efficiency-related laws and their implementing regulations, including efficiency procurement plans and reformed utility financial incentives, which have enabled some states and utilities to achieve nation-leading levels of efficiency investments and consumer savings. It provides: (1) a description of the current status of efficiency policies and investments in different states across the country; and (2) recommended policies and best practices that can enable all states to achieve levels of efficiency investments and associated savings, job creation, and increased competitiveness thus far only experienced by a handful of states.