Acadia Center Comments on 2025 Annual Energy Efficiency Plan Draft Narrative

2025 EE narrative comments_Acadia Center_6-28-24

Acadia Center Joint FERC Comments RE ISO-NE Transmission Tariff Revisions

Acadia Center + PIO_Comments re OATT Att K revisions

Acadia Center Urges Passage of Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) in RI as a Critical Tool for a Just Energy Transition

S2366 PIPP support_Acadia Center

Testimony from Acadia Center Delivered to Rhode Island’s Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee on Building Decarbonization and Grid Modernization

S2956 Acadia Center Testimony 2024

S2952 Building Decarbonization Testimony_Acadia_05-2024

S2848 Clean Heat Standard Testimony_Acadia_05-2024

Acadia Center Joins NGOs in Submitting Comments on PURA’s Straw Proposal for Utility Performance Incentive Mechanisms

Advocates RE02 Straw Proposal Comments

Acadia Center Advocates for Transit and Bicycle Funding in Rhode Island

H7774 RIPTA Budget Appropriation
H7590/S2547 Funding for the Transit Master Plan
H7918 Funding for the Bicycle Mobility Plan


Acadia Center Signs On to Letters in Support for the Clean Resilience Link Application by New York and New England and Support for the Six New England States’ Application for Power Up New England Funding

Support for the Clean Resilience Link Application by New York and New England

Group Ltr of Support, CLR , GRIP.docx

Support for the Six New England States’ Application for Power Up New England Funding

Group Ltr of Support, Power Up NE GRIP.docx

Acadia Center Massachusetts Clean Heat Standard Draft Framework Proposed Potential Changes Comments


Acadia Center Urges Passage of Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) in RI as a Critical Tool for a Just Energy Transition

Addressing inequitable energy burdens is critical to achieving a just energy transition and meeting Rhode Island’s Act on Climate mandates. Stabilizing the cost of electrification requires a variety of solutions – including a PIPP – to ensure that the transition meets dual climate and economic justice goals. A PIPP supports more equal participation in the transition and prevents further harm of increasing energy burdens.

Download H7286 Testimony

Acadia Center Testimony in Support of House Bill 7617, the Building Decarbonization Act of 2024

H7617 Building Decarbonization Testimony_Acadia_03-2024