Priority Climate Action Plan Strategy Recommendations

Acadia Center Testimony in Support of House Bill 7399

The Resilient Rhode Island Act of 2014 originally set aspirational goals for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 10% from 1990 levels by 2020, 45% from 1990 levels by 2035 and 80% from 1990 levels by 2050. The proposal in H-7399 would make these reduction targets binding and enforceable while also updating goals for the outer years to better align with current scientific understanding of the climate crisis’ magnitude. In particular, the goal for 2035 is marginally increased from 45% to 50% and the goal for 2050 is increased from 80% to 100%. The bill also recognizes the 2050 goal may be met in part by counting carbon offsets to account for those final, marginal areas of our economy that may be difficult to decarbonize.

Testimony Supporting An Act to Protect Ratepayers in Massachusetts

Testimony on Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Legislation

Testimony on Proposed Changes to Massachusetts Renewable Portfolio Standard

Comments to Rhode Island CRMC on Offshore Wind

Statement on the New England Clean Energy Connect Transmission Line

Letter on Solar Policy to the Connecticut Energy and Technology Committee

Acadia Center 2019 Massachusetts Legislative Priorities

Building a Stronger Maine: Memorandum to the Next Governor