Efforts in the Rhode Island Legislature to Lead by Example and Promote Environmental Justice

  • S2541 requires state agency emission reporting and would help unify the state’s efforts to lead by example on climate.
  • S2543 requires that state purchases lead by example in waste reduction, electric vehicles and renewable energy and efficient technologies. Acadia Center flags the need for standards for energy efficiency, targets for renewable energy capacity at state sites, and the broad need for benchmarking of state-owned buildings in order to reduce energy use intensity (EUI) as required in the act.
  • S2535, the Environmental Justice Act, provides a critical framework for distributive equity by defining environmental justice focus areas. Defining cumulative impacts in statute will help to mitigate disproportionate environmental burdens.

Acadia Center Testimony in Support of HB 5406, HB 5438, and HB 5439

Acadia Center Testimony in Support of HB 5406, HB 5438, and HB 5439

Acadia Center comments on Electric Sector Modernization Plans, DPU Dockets 24-10, 24-11, 24-12

Acadia Center DPU 24-10, 24-11, 24-12 Comments March 12 2024

Acadia Center Testimony in Support of HB 5359 and SB 301

Acadia Center Testimony in Support of HB 5359 and SB 301

Acadia Center Testimony in Support of HB 5004

Acadia Center Testimony in Support of HB 5004

Acadia Center Comments in Response to Rhode Island Future of Gas Technical Analysis Draft Results

Acadia Center_RI_FOG_TechnicalAnalysisDraftResults_Comments_2_28_24_PDF

Acadia Center’s comments on energy burden and affordability in DPU Docket 24-15

Acadia Center DPU 24-15 Comments March 1 2024

Acadia Center Proposes Priority Projects and Highlights Need for Sector-Specific Targets for Rhode Island’s 2025 Climate Strategy

PCAP comments_Acadia_2-7-24

Acadia Center Testimony in Support of LD 2172

LD 2172 PBR Bill_Acadia Center Testimony February 6 2024

Acadia Center Drafts Joint Comments on Public Participation in Rhode Island’s Transportation Planning

PPP Comments_TranspDecarbAdvocates_2-5-2023