MA Electric Vehicles Docket Comments

Acadia Center recommends the following:

  • There is a wide range of information about EV charging that could aid distribution company planning. At a minimum, disclosure of vehicle registry information with appropriate privacy protections should take place either informally or put into statute. Disclosure of significant EV charging installations could be addressed in electric tariffs but may be more desirable to put into statute.
  • NSTAR Electric’s EV pilot program should not be offered to all customers at this time. The Department should order the creation of a simultaneous pilot on residential EV-specifictime-of-use rates and direct each distribution company to lay out options for a whole-house time-of-use rate offering. If the pilots are conducted expeditiously, the Department should be able to decide what combination of programs should be made available to all customers in late 2015 or early 2016. This more general offering should serve both as an incentive for EV adoption and as an incentive for EV owners to charge at times when impact on the grid will be low.
  • The Department should adopt a rate pilot to reform demand charges for DC fast chargers similar to the Connecticut Light and Power pilot approved in June 2014, with consideration of alterations to prevent unreasonable cross-subsidization. This will make investment in the critical network of public DC fast charging economically feasible in the short term, and allow for the collection of data to consider broader reforms, such as a designated rate class for DC fast chargers.
  • The Department should conduct a study on vehicle-grid integration and lay out a roadmap on long-term policy choices, either independently or in conjunction with the Department of Energy Resources.

Maine Distributed Solar Valuation Methodology -Comments on Draft

Acadia Center  respectfully submits its comments in response to the draft Maine Distributed Solar Valuation Methodology of October 23, 2014. As a non-profit, research and advocacy organization committed to advancing the clean energy future, Acadia Center supports the Commission’s investigation in the value of distributed solar energy generation in Maine, and appreciates the opportunity to engage in this proceeding. In general, Acadia Center supports the approach outlined by the Commission’s consultants, and offers the following comments to help further refine the draft methodology. Acadia Center looks forward to the opportunity to review and comment on the final draft methodology as well as the Commission’s recommendations for increasing the deployment of distributed solar generation in Maine.

MA Low Demand Analysis Comments

The organizations welcome the opportunity to submit initial comments on the design of the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Low Demand Analysis. We look forward to continuing engagement as Massachusetts evaluates benefits and costs associated with energy resources and policies capable of meeting our energy needs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing consumer risk.

NY REV Joint Reply Comments on DPS Staff Straw Proposal on Track One

Reply comments regarding the Track One Staff Straw Proposal (“Straw Proposal”) issued on August 22, 2014 in the Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (“REV”) proceeding.  Comments highlight consumer concerns, energy efficiency recommendations, and energy storage recommendations.

Multi-State Zero-Emission Vehicles Action Plan

On October 24, 2013, the governors of California, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Vermont signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) committing to coordinated action to ensure the successful implementation of their state zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) programs. The signatory governors created a multi-state ZEV Program Implementation Task Force and called for the development of this action plan.

Letter to Gov Patrick -Hold the Line Against Dirty Fuels

Organizations call on the Governor to consider the full lifecycle impacts of fuels, including greenhouse gas emissions.

CMP Electric Vehicle Pilot Phase 3 Proposal

As directed in the Stipulation in Docket No. 2008-255, CMP developed a series of pilot programs related to plug-in electric vehicles. As outlined in the Stipulation to Docket No. 2012-0350 submitted March 15, 2013 and approved August 5, 2013, CMP developed pilots 2-A and 2-B, and the following proposal for pilot 3, in conjunction with a stakeholder working group

Right-Sizing Energy Infrastructure -Letter

The undersigned organizations and businesses commend you for endeavoring to take a regional approach to meeting New England’s energy needs. Such regional coordination holds potential for promoting solutions that are aligned with the region’s economic and environmental objectives. We appreciate that the Governors’ Energy Infrastructure Initiative recognizes that our increasing dependence on natural gas for both heating and power generation exposes the region to price volatility and episodic natural gas deliverability issues during cold snaps. However, we are concerned that proposed solutions to our over-reliance on natural gas do not fully evaluate the array of energy resources that can reduce natural gas dependence while furthering environmental, competitive market, and consumer protection goals.

Central Maine Power Rate Case Comments

Comments on proposed rate design changes, including proposed increase in fixed customer charge.

Energy Efficiency in Connecticut Forum Presentations

Forum agenda included discussions on several topics including: Where Energy Efforts Stand in CT and the Region; Procurement of All Cost-Effective Efficiency; Energy Efficiency as a Grid Resource; and Achieving Weatherization in the Residential Sector.