CT EV Rate Rider Pilot -Letter

ENE supports approval of the EV rate rider pilot for several reasons: emerging consumer needs, state energy policy goals, and the significant economic, environmental, and energy benefits of EVs.

Nova Scotia Power Inc IRP Comments

CT Clean Fuels and Clean Vehicles Action Plan -Comments

Support for implementing policies in CT and New England that seek to accelerate the widespread adoption of electric vehicles by consumers. EVs can make the transportation sector more economically and environmentally sustainable.

Testimony to CT Energy and Technology Committee

Support and recommended modifications for:

Proposed SB 134: An Act Appropriating Funds to Clean Energy Finance and Investment Authority

SB 357: An Act Concerning Efficient Building Standards and Product Efficiency Standards

HB 5410: An Act Concerning Gas Companies’ Cost Recovery of Lost and Unaccounted for Gas

Electric Vehicles and Electric Vehicle Charging -Comments to MA DPU

Comments include consideration of environmental and economic benefits of EVs, participation of unregulated affiliates of electricity distribution companies in charging market, and rates and metering infrastructure.

Recommendations for Analysis in Natural Gas Expansion Study

We would like to thank the Department of Energy Resources and Sussex Economic Advisors for conducting stakeholder outreach as a part of the Natural Gas Expansion Study. While we understand the Department’s interest in moving forward expeditiously, the currently contemplated pace risks sacrificing the accuracy and validity of the study results. We urge the Department to provide Sussex with additional time to gather the necessary data and resources to complete the study. In addition, we offer the following recommendations:

Letter on 2015-2017 Energy Efficiency Savings Targets

Letter from the Rhode Island Energy Efficiency Resource Management Council (EERMC) to the Department of Public Utilities. High-level savings targets for natural gas and electric energy efficiency for 2015-2017.

Maine Omnibus Energy Bill Summary

On June 7, 2013 the Maine House and Senate voted by overwhelming margins to enact “An Act to Reduce Energy Costs, Increase Energy Efficiency, Promote Electric System Reliability and Protect the Environment,” (“Omnibus Energy Bill,” L.D. 1559).

Ontario Carbon Pricing Letter

The undersigned organizations and individuals – representing a broad cross section of Ontario-based investors, industry, academics, and civil society – recognize the significant risks that climate change poses to our province and urge the Government of Ontario to work with stakeholders to establish meaningful policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across all sectors of the economy.

MA Green Communities Program Summary

Summary of the Massachusetts Green Communities Act of 2008, which significantly reforms the state’s energy policy, and makes a large new commitments to electric and natural gas energy efficiency programs, renewables, and clean fossil fuels like combined heat and power.

See full text here.