Acadia Center’s Reply Comments on DPU 21-80, 21-81, 21-82

Acadia Center’s reply comments focused on the joint proposal by National Grid, Eversource, and Unitil.

Acadia Center believes the performance metrics proposed in the joint proposal offer a useful, but relatively limited, starting point in thinking about how best to track progress in the Companies’ grid modernization investments. We recommends that the DPU identify specific performance targets for many of the metrics that are currently listed as N/A in the joint proposal, or to identify a timeline for implementing targets after sufficient data has been collected. Acadia Center also strongly agrees with the statement from the Attorney General’s Office that the Department should “direct the Companies to develop and propose performance metrics that measure whether customers are actually receiving the projected benefits from the Companies’ grid-facing investments.

DPU 21-80, 21-81, 21-82 Acadia Center Reply Comments

Acadia Center Submits Testimony in Support of LD 952, An Act To Create a 21st-Century Electric Grid

LD 952 Acadia Center Testimony

Acadia Center’s Comments on Performance Metrics in DPU 21-80 through 21-82, Grid Modernization and Advanced Metering Infrastructure Plans

DPU 21-80, 21-81, 21-82 Grid Modernization Performance Metrics_Acadia Center April 2023

Acadia Center filed written comments concerning performance metrics related to the 2022-2025 Grid Modernization Plans and Advanced Metering Infrastructure investment plans filed by Eversource Energy, National Grid, and Unitil in D.P.U. 21-80, D.P.U. 21-81, and D.P.U. 21-82, respectively. Acadia Center’s priority in proposing performance metrics is to ensure that the projected benefits of grid modernization and AMI deployment are being realized for ratepayers. In general, Acadia Center recommends that the Department not only approve performance metrics that track and measure activities and outputs, but instead implement metrics that are outcomes-based and are explicitly aimed at supporting the Department’s three grid modernization objectives. Moreover, Acadia Center urges the Department not only to implement basic performance metrics but also to consider financial penalties for underperformance where appropriate.

Acadia Center testified in support of L.D. 395

Acadia Center Provides Testimony in Opposition to Maine L.D. 442


Acadia Center Provides Testimony on Connecticut HB-6851 – An Act Implementing Recommendations of the Hydrogen Task Force


Acadia Center Submits Comments on Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM)’s Environmental Justice Policy.

Comments on RIDEM EJ Policy 2.24.23 – Acadia Center

Acadia Center Submits Comments in Response to Maine PUC Notice of Inquiry on Time of Use Rates (Docket No. 2023-00019).

2023-00019 Notice of Inquiry_Acadia Center Comments February 2023

Acadia Center Submits Comments in Response to Staff PBR Phase 1 Straw Proposal (PURA Docket No. 21-05-15)

Docket 21-05-15 PBR Staff Straw Proposal 1_Acadia Center Comments 2.16.23

Acadia Center’s Energy and Climate Transition Policy Priorities for Governor Maura Healey

These priorities included implementing RESPECT (Acadia Center’s proposal for utility planning process reform), reforming the Mass Save program, utilizing more accurate emissions modeling, working to reform ISO-NE and the regional energy markets, focus on energy transmission, implement a number of recommendations from the Commission on Clean Heat, and prioritize regional coordination.