Acadia Center Comments in United Illuminating Rate Case (PURA Docket No. 22-08-08)

Acadia Center Submits Comments on the Appropriate Role of Hydrogen and Biofuels in Connecticut’s 2022 Comprehensive Energy Strategy

Acadia Center Comments on Rhode Island FY 23 EE Plan Filing

Acadia Center Submits Joint Comments with Recommendations on Integrated Grid Planning in Maine.

Acadia Center Recommends Solutions to FERC to Ensure Winter Reliability

Comments on Planned Offshore Grid for Offshore Wind Request for Information

Acadia Center’s Comments on the Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2050

Acadia Center recently submitted comments on Massachusetts’ proposed Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2050. Our organization stressed that there was a lack of available information, which could undermine stakeholder involvement. Acadia Center further noted that the Commonwealth was repeating known modeling flaws, recommendations and key targets and metrics lacked critical details, and transportation policy was too focused on electric vehicles.

Beyond Gas-RI Response to PUC

Acadia Center and its partners in the Beyond Gas-RI advocacy coalition submitted comprehensive comments to the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission outlining our recommendations for the state’s forthcoming Future of Gas investigation. The proceeding, expected to unfold over the remainder of 2022 and through 2023, will examine how the state’s overreliance on “fossil” gas must change for the state to meet the Act on Climate’s requirements of a 45 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, 80 percent reduction by 2040, and to net-zero by 2050.

Acadia Center’s final comments in DPU 20-80 (Future of Gas)

Acadia Center Advocates Interconnection Reforms to Cut Wait-times for Clean Energy