Last week Acadia Center, Environmental League of Massachusetts, and New England for Offshore Wind hosted a webinar – Bridging the Power Gap: How Bidirectional Clean Energy Benefits the US Northeast and Eastern Canada.

Panelists Hannes Pfeifenberger, Adrienne Downey and Emil Dimanchev shared their considerable expertise, and Acadia Center’s Senior Director of Climate and Clean Energy Programs, Jamie Dickerson, led a lively discussion on the possibilities of joint US/Canadian coordination and planning of energy resources, including enhanced reliability, cost and resiliency, as well as increased trade opportunities.

“Offshore wind is ‘pretty much a match made in heaven’ with hydropower when there is enough transmission capacity to enable hydro to firm up the intermittencies of wind.” – Adrienne Downey of Hexicon and Power Advisory

The presentation slides for the event can be found here: Bridging the Power Gap Slides

To stay engaged in the conversation, please follow Northeast Grid Planning Forum (NGPF), a joint effort of Acadia Center and Nergica, on LinkedIn. If you have questions, please reach out to Carolyn Dykema