Business action to meet climate goals is essential to mitigation and adaptation solutions, whether by investing in their operations, producing clean and sustainable products and services, or supporting climate policies. Yet businesses still face barriers to action because of capacity constraints on financial, human, information, or other resources. Small businesses in particular need specialized attention and support. They don’t have the resources to focus on climate change, even though many potential strategies could save them time and money.

New England plays an impressive role on the world climate stage, with an increasingly engaged business community collaborating with others to resolve conflicts at the intersection of climate and the economy (“Utilities, businesses changing their tune: Shift appears in approach to climate concerns,” Page A1, Aug. 24). An Acadia Center official’s attempt to be “blunt” in saying that “the business community will go where they see an opportunity to make money” is outdated. It returns us to the environment vs. economy adversarial roles prevalent in past environmental and business groups’ relationships.

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