As we head into another winter that could once again hit Connecticut residents and communities with high energy costs, the urgency to remake our energy system only increases. With emerging technologies and approaches, a new and better system is possible.UVsnip

To become a reality, though, this better energy system will need to empower communities with innovative, on-the-ground energy solutions. So, how do we make sure that the current clean energy revolution puts Connecticut’s communities at its center?

Acadia Center’s event next Wednesday, December 16th, “Remaking Connecticut’s Energy System to Embrace Community Energy” will explore that question.

The gathering will feature an expert discussion on how communities can take control of their energy costs and needs through new approaches and policy innovations. Our panelists will be:

Scudder Parker, Senior Policy Advisor, Vermont Energy Investment Corporation

Jonathan Glass, President & Co-Founder, Wise Labs

Jamie Howland, Director, Energy Efficiency and Demand-Side Initiative, Acadia Center

Select topics will include: creating a sustainable energy utility to better serve community energy needs, exploring the community benefits offered by smart LED streetlights, and identifying notable community energy trends and developments in Connecticut and beyond.

We will also be releasing our new report, Community EnergyVision, which identifies four key areas of reform needed to spur the growth of local, clean energy resources. Community EnergyVision also identifies exemplary projects, practices, and innovations that should be replicated in Connecticut.

This discussion will be followed by breakout groups of attendees to further explore specific issues in depth. We hope you’ll join us.

Wednesday, December 16 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM

New Haven Free Public Library
133 Elm Street
New Haven, CT 06510

We encourage you to use public transportation, but metered street parking and parking garages are available.

Parking Garages within a half mile of the event:

Grove Street Garage, 65 Grove Street
State Street Garage, 290 State Street

If you plan to come, please register in advance on our Eventbrite page because space is limited. The event is free and all are welcome to attend.


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Bill Dornbos is the Director of the Connecticut Office and Senior Attorney for Acadia Center.  Bill focuses on advancing policy and regulatory solutions that seek to transform the energy system and move Connecticut towards a climate-safe, sustainable future. Recent work includes advocating for expanded investment in cost-effective energy efficiency for all fuels and analyzing greenhouse gas emissions trends in the Northeast